Title: „Not anonymous at all”
Pairings: Zayn Malik and Harry Styles
(Zarry Stalik)
Summary: Zayn’s day-by-day life seems quiet
calm and satisfying. Meetings with group of his friends which actually stands
for their fake AA reclamation are one of bright points in his life. Until whole
reality turns 360 degrees along with receiving formal letter from the city’s
government where’s put down a decision of making an escaper from the
correctional facility be under their group’s custody. Some guy apparently named
Sultry evening of early summer period was
filling his lungs when another steps were being taken on the unknown road
already leading him for quiet a long piece of time. Peach painted sky even
though it could easily make some beautiful, unusual sights was brutally covered
with crowd of dun clouds announcing inevitable shower. But Zayn was a big boy
and he wasn’t afraid of storms.
He was having a walk for over two hours already tearing apart his own piece from the patchwork of reality and, along with this, giving a part of sluice for everybody around, as well as himself. He was really tired of this constant… being.
He rubbed sweat from his temples, took a pack of cigarettes and grabbed one with lips. After a while the atmosphere got way more thick than it used to be because of smoke and Malik not slowing his pace was continuing staring at the stormy clouds and playing weather presenter inside mind. Wasn’t event paying attention to the fact that his phone was ringing almost all the time in a back pocket of his trousers. He's just realized that in fact he should have had his phone off which would stand for smaller level of general destruction.
He was having a walk for over two hours already tearing apart his own piece from the patchwork of reality and, along with this, giving a part of sluice for everybody around, as well as himself. He was really tired of this constant… being.
He rubbed sweat from his temples, took a pack of cigarettes and grabbed one with lips. After a while the atmosphere got way more thick than it used to be because of smoke and Malik not slowing his pace was continuing staring at the stormy clouds and playing weather presenter inside mind. Wasn’t event paying attention to the fact that his phone was ringing almost all the time in a back pocket of his trousers. He's just realized that in fact he should have had his phone off which would stand for smaller level of general destruction.
He'll come back either way. Everyone around know exactly he'll be back, no way he would even think on actual running away. It's just like he basically needed some time to be alone himself, away from world, considering and taking responsibility.
On the horizon, where there was the biggest amount of clouds in shade of deep navy blue, strong hit of bright, a bit pinkish lightning unexpectedly shined on the sky. Malik slowed, after all stopping completely. Breathed deeply cigarette's smoke, then threw the unburned rest away. Another lightning expanded low purr of thunder. Brown haired one brushed his fringe then thinking for a while and grabbing his jaw, just to scratch proud two-weeks-old beard.
After the third lightning Malik lively but with all the dignity, turned back.
He appeared at his house soaking wet, which he found completely pointless even trying to avoid. Sky was crying out hectoliters of water, wind was blowing restlessly and thunders were making audience die in fear. Zayn put soaking keys into the keyhole and along with praying the Lord, closed the door, when found himself inside, leaving behind all those crazy elements behind a safe boarder.
Shook a bit, typically for an average street dog as he was, putting off all his cold, wet clothing. The very first impulse of heat gently touched his skin when he finally ran out of witnesses of the rain. Completely naked Malik finally decided to immediately go to the kitchen and prepare himself a nice cup of tea.
Wish he won't get ill.
In a cupboard he found the very rest of anything able to be called tea, threw it into his cup and waited until the water in a kettle was boiling.
With already steaming tea sat on a washed off sofa, which was his only one true lover for the life. Looked through the window which was painting the view of muddle-spreading storm.
Being only curious he took a phone he was sitting on out of the back pocked. Cursorily looked through last few call logs that he didn't accept. Tea was getting cooler and cooler, so he had time to check all the list.
What was absolutely obvious, almost all of it contained Liam's calls, a lot was from Lou and Niall. They must be bored as hell with their lives. How can you not understand that when someone declines your second call, means he neither has no time nor will to talk to you.
Zayn, despite he was trying really hard, sometimes just couldn't understand his friend's behavior. He was living with this overpowering feeling he was so different from his peers that not even one of them was similar to him.
Obviously that didn't make any change in fact that he did really treat them as real friends and he liked them so much. He just had to take everything from a healthy distance, because bringing any of'em deeper into any sphere of his life, could cause complete disaster to both sides.
He even liked those meetings of theirs. Knew well those were only cover-ups and lead to an obvious ending... in fact he wasn't even an alcoholic. He jus liked the way they were telling stories, laughed at each other, after all always just going for a beer. If he just was an ordinary guy with proper expectations in reference to surrounding reality he could easily call them his friends. Real ones.
Liam was a police officer. Yes, such a perverted guard of the law. He was seen as kind of big daddy of the rest, was trying really hard for the group's image to be good enough. Although he was first to start parties and the least to end them. If there was not alcohol in his life he could be easily called perfect material for a husband - caring, consequent, basically just good. Yeah, Liam Payne was a good person. He could understand Zayn the best way possible. Probably that's because the policeman was really grown up guy, watching the world from reasonable point of view. He was open minded as well, able to listen and always trying to understand. Malik was sure he could count on him in some more serious cases, obviously unless he was busy with a huge alcoholic libation with random people at the moment.
Louis was hell of specific person. Not that he wasn't adult at all, cause in his own, strange way he seemed to rationalize his behavior. He was basically just hyperactive. Of course his impulsiveness was taking the highest level when there was a presence of an alcohol he could applicate to his body, but it wasn't necessary for him to simply be a bundle of nerves. He was working in a Chinese restaurant, which actually wasn't the peak of his dreams. Indeed he liked cooking etc but his only true passion was hidden from the most of his peer. While - obviously - all of the group knew about it perfectly; football was his whole life. He was coming to job with all stuff prepared - big bag filled with soccer shoes and a uniform to be able to go to the pitch as quickly as possible, right after his working hours. He was constantly exercising, sometimes till it was really late at night. Real man with passion. He was never to give up in trying to reach his goals. Although wasn`t really able to trust everybody so easily, he was really good friend, cool pal for long evenings, to watch matches and making contests in number of eaten hot wings from KFC. As it happens in football fans peer he was usually ready to use his fists or swear heavily to solve the problems. In fact his whole life was one of a fucking joke, but it wasn`t enough to interrupt him while laughing along with friends and being happy in general.
Niall was not able to be described with any other adjective than just... Niall. His character was pretty similar to joyful puppy chasing artificial stick. He was literally the definition of happiness and a carefree life. Confident person as well as the one who works on keeping the trust of others in him. Tritiness of his character somtimes seemed as a kind of denial of it, but there was always some magical way to get through this. Pretty interesting thing about him was that he had been born on Irish land, which would be a perfect description why he has such a lovely weakness in good liquors. Fortunaely or not, he was a guy whose face Malik has been seeing about all his life actually. Missing part would be for him to move into Zayn's house and wake up under the same quilt as he does.
Not that he was irritating at all, more like.. unintelligible. Incomperhensible by his non stop joy, which somehow always threw Zayn off balance. They've been working in the same place, in car repair shop, where they held a profession of higher assistants, or as they prefered to call themselves - halffitters.
Malik would never complain about his job. After all he wasn't that type to grumble around because of some inconvenience. So even though he had reasons to, he never said a bad word about his employer. Despite he's been running this company terribly.
As you'd easily say, his rate wasn't a warranty of wealth, although it was perfectly fine to pay for a living in the suburbs of London and two packs of cigarettes per week.
The tea got an accurate temperature, and when black haired guy was about to reach it, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate once again. Without a will to, he put it out and if it wasn't Liam who was calling, he'd for sure reject it with no mercy.
- Hallo?
- Zayn! - the answer came so loud, dark haired one immediately sworn in his mind and started regreting the whole thing. - You finally got this.. where are you for God's sake?
- In my house.. something's wrong?
- I was just thinking whether you made it before the storm has begun or nah. Rain's gone really nasty.
- Yeeah.. I know right. - Malik brushed his hair, still a bit wet though.
From Liam's side there rang long sigh.
- Don't you dare thinking I'm the one who's gonna take care of you and feed you with chicken soup, when you'll lay in your bed between your used wipes and the viruses. - blonde one summed up with another, quieter sigh.
- Oh you will, I know how you like it.
Both sides came out with some calm laugh.
- What about the meeting? - Zayn started again.
- What about it? Oh, you mean after you've left? We've carried on for about 15 minutes and then we went home. Otherwise the weather dispersed our plans.
Silence lasted for a little while.
- Well then, when are we up to finish what we've started? - Malik broke into with this sly ish smile, which Liam wasn't able to notice. Though Zayn could swear Payne did pretty same thing.
- I guess there's nothing on our way against for doin' it..
Policeman cut and Zayn could hear the doorbell in the background.
- Wait a sec.
- Yup.
Clack of the phone being put on the table, then some sounds of a conversation, nothing concrete. Only a minute later Liam held the phone again.
- Postman brought sorta office letter.. - murmed Li.
- You better burn it down quickly, before you'll have to call an exorcist!
Both guys burst out laughing.
- I'll check this tomorrow, it's probably just a piece of unnecessary babble.
- And then you wake up on the street, because of disapperance of your house in unexplained circumstances. What if some innocent civilian told someone important about you drinking in your working hours? - Zayn's voice became unusually ironic.
- Malik.. I promise, some day I'll enjoy ripping your balls off.
- Waiting for it constantly, honey.
- You fag!
- Prick!
- Dickhead!
- Jerk!
- Okay, I've got to go. - Malik could hear Li digging into some kitchen stuff.
- Fine, hang on there mate. See you soon.
- Week time. Hope the weather will be slightly better.
- Yeah, hope so. Bye!
The signal of cut call. Malik waited two or three seconds before he took the phone away from his ear. Took a deep breath, put the cell on the table and reached the tea, which's gone completely cooled down.
By the way isn't that weird, that town hall bothers such an example of perfect citizen as Payne. After all if you compare the others of their group and him it seemed like comparing a bunch of douchebags and an angel... Zayn dipped his lips in a cold, bitter tea.
Hair almost got dry, storm was pretty much about to end up happily, turning into a nice, gentle drizzle. Malik involuntarily sighted his thighs.
Naked thighs.
Oh yeah.. time to dress up.
Put the cup right next to the phone and with lazy moves he made it into his bedroom. Not paying too much attention what was he putting on, he just grabbed a pair of streched sweatpants and a faded tee with a logo of Misfit on it. This outfit typified his moments alone at the house really well.. faded.
Blankly pulled blinds down and threw himself on the bed. This place was so empty.. as if he had no memories at all. Same with the kitchen, living room, bathroom. It all was so bright and undecorated, not that he never thought about it, it's just that if there was anything that came to his mind at the moment, he had no spare time to use this idea and when he was idly laying on his bed, he wasn't able to come up with anything creative. That's probably why Malik's life was so pale and shrunk in the wash. Just like someone took his shirt out of the washing mashine and didn't iron it.
In the very evening, jumping through channels Zayn was trying hard to activate his constructive facilities but out of spite the only thing he could actually do was eating yesterday's pizza and burning out a third cigarette. His brain stubbornly sticked to the idea of this airy-fairy sloth even though in Zayn himself was a tiny little will to do something different. Pressing "next" button he finally got a London's news channel. Settled back and gave his gummy ish pepperoni another bite.
Drab voice of the reporter lady was giving the viewers those hacking informations: "Harry S. was finally caught - the escaper of correctional facility, accused for beating, consumption of an alcohol as a teenager as well as alcoholing minors. He also took a part in dealing with light drugs. S. is sentenced for another four years to be under curator's protection. Mother, Anne S. refused commenting on this."
- Such pretty face and so naughty... - Malik muttered under his breath, while biting the pizza thing again.
Before he fell asleep with his face conglomerated with a pizza piece and a cigarette in his mouth, which eventually fell off and burned down on the Misfit tee leaving a small gap in it, he could change the channel to stock exchange, which he apparently wasn't able to bear.
And in the morning he was awaken by the smell of three-days old tomato sauce.
Yeah, that was a life. His faded, sleepy life with the scent of smoke and pizza in the morning.
Till the next time! - Gabriel.
Not that he was irritating at all, more like.. unintelligible. Incomperhensible by his non stop joy, which somehow always threw Zayn off balance. They've been working in the same place, in car repair shop, where they held a profession of higher assistants, or as they prefered to call themselves - halffitters.
Malik would never complain about his job. After all he wasn't that type to grumble around because of some inconvenience. So even though he had reasons to, he never said a bad word about his employer. Despite he's been running this company terribly.
As you'd easily say, his rate wasn't a warranty of wealth, although it was perfectly fine to pay for a living in the suburbs of London and two packs of cigarettes per week.
The tea got an accurate temperature, and when black haired guy was about to reach it, the phone in his pocket started to vibrate once again. Without a will to, he put it out and if it wasn't Liam who was calling, he'd for sure reject it with no mercy.
- Hallo?
- Zayn! - the answer came so loud, dark haired one immediately sworn in his mind and started regreting the whole thing. - You finally got this.. where are you for God's sake?
- In my house.. something's wrong?
- I was just thinking whether you made it before the storm has begun or nah. Rain's gone really nasty.
- Yeeah.. I know right. - Malik brushed his hair, still a bit wet though.
From Liam's side there rang long sigh.
- Don't you dare thinking I'm the one who's gonna take care of you and feed you with chicken soup, when you'll lay in your bed between your used wipes and the viruses. - blonde one summed up with another, quieter sigh.
- Oh you will, I know how you like it.
Both sides came out with some calm laugh.
- What about the meeting? - Zayn started again.
- What about it? Oh, you mean after you've left? We've carried on for about 15 minutes and then we went home. Otherwise the weather dispersed our plans.
Silence lasted for a little while.
- Well then, when are we up to finish what we've started? - Malik broke into with this sly ish smile, which Liam wasn't able to notice. Though Zayn could swear Payne did pretty same thing.
- I guess there's nothing on our way against for doin' it..
Policeman cut and Zayn could hear the doorbell in the background.
- Wait a sec.
- Yup.
Clack of the phone being put on the table, then some sounds of a conversation, nothing concrete. Only a minute later Liam held the phone again.
- Postman brought sorta office letter.. - murmed Li.
- You better burn it down quickly, before you'll have to call an exorcist!
Both guys burst out laughing.
- I'll check this tomorrow, it's probably just a piece of unnecessary babble.
- And then you wake up on the street, because of disapperance of your house in unexplained circumstances. What if some innocent civilian told someone important about you drinking in your working hours? - Zayn's voice became unusually ironic.
- Malik.. I promise, some day I'll enjoy ripping your balls off.
- Waiting for it constantly, honey.
- You fag!
- Prick!
- Dickhead!
- Jerk!
- Okay, I've got to go. - Malik could hear Li digging into some kitchen stuff.
- Fine, hang on there mate. See you soon.
- Week time. Hope the weather will be slightly better.
- Yeah, hope so. Bye!
The signal of cut call. Malik waited two or three seconds before he took the phone away from his ear. Took a deep breath, put the cell on the table and reached the tea, which's gone completely cooled down.
By the way isn't that weird, that town hall bothers such an example of perfect citizen as Payne. After all if you compare the others of their group and him it seemed like comparing a bunch of douchebags and an angel... Zayn dipped his lips in a cold, bitter tea.
Hair almost got dry, storm was pretty much about to end up happily, turning into a nice, gentle drizzle. Malik involuntarily sighted his thighs.
Naked thighs.
Oh yeah.. time to dress up.
Put the cup right next to the phone and with lazy moves he made it into his bedroom. Not paying too much attention what was he putting on, he just grabbed a pair of streched sweatpants and a faded tee with a logo of Misfit on it. This outfit typified his moments alone at the house really well.. faded.
Blankly pulled blinds down and threw himself on the bed. This place was so empty.. as if he had no memories at all. Same with the kitchen, living room, bathroom. It all was so bright and undecorated, not that he never thought about it, it's just that if there was anything that came to his mind at the moment, he had no spare time to use this idea and when he was idly laying on his bed, he wasn't able to come up with anything creative. That's probably why Malik's life was so pale and shrunk in the wash. Just like someone took his shirt out of the washing mashine and didn't iron it.
In the very evening, jumping through channels Zayn was trying hard to activate his constructive facilities but out of spite the only thing he could actually do was eating yesterday's pizza and burning out a third cigarette. His brain stubbornly sticked to the idea of this airy-fairy sloth even though in Zayn himself was a tiny little will to do something different. Pressing "next" button he finally got a London's news channel. Settled back and gave his gummy ish pepperoni another bite.
Drab voice of the reporter lady was giving the viewers those hacking informations: "Harry S. was finally caught - the escaper of correctional facility, accused for beating, consumption of an alcohol as a teenager as well as alcoholing minors. He also took a part in dealing with light drugs. S. is sentenced for another four years to be under curator's protection. Mother, Anne S. refused commenting on this."
- Such pretty face and so naughty... - Malik muttered under his breath, while biting the pizza thing again.
Before he fell asleep with his face conglomerated with a pizza piece and a cigarette in his mouth, which eventually fell off and burned down on the Misfit tee leaving a small gap in it, he could change the channel to stock exchange, which he apparently wasn't able to bear.
And in the morning he was awaken by the smell of three-days old tomato sauce.
Yeah, that was a life. His faded, sleepy life with the scent of smoke and pizza in the morning.
Till the next time! - Gabriel.